Whether you’re trying to lose or gain weight, get more exercise, or improve some other aspect of your physical or emotional health, you probably are doing something nearly all of us tend to do. Cheat. Continue Reading
Whether you’re trying to lose or gain weight, get more exercise, or improve some other aspect of your physical or emotional health, you probably are doing something nearly all of us tend to do. Cheat. Continue Reading
There is so much conflicting information pushed out about diet that I sometimes wonder if we’ve made the right choice to eat plant-based, even though I spent countless hours researching our choice. Check out my latest blog to learn what I determined. Continue Reading
Research has shown that most people follow a plant-based diet aren’t sick as often. And when they do get sick, their illness tends to pass more quickly. My husband and I are glad to be able to bear out the research. Continue Reading
I’ve been helping a friend switch his diet from one focused on fast food to one that includes more plant-based foods. As we work together, I see some of the challenges many people face as they try to “eat healthier.”
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I speak often of my bout with pre-diabetes. For me it was a warning and what led, in part, to my adoption of a whole-food, plant-based lifestyle. When I think about that time (now more than 5 years in the past) I can’t help feeling a little upset at the messages I heard. Continue Reading
I met someone recently who intrigued me. A man who claimed he didn’t like any vegetables. That claim always intrigues me because it’s hard to believe. Continue Reading
Whenever I travel, especially to areas where it is more difficult to find plant-based options for eating or I am surrounded by meat eaters and even vegetarians, I think about the obstacles to eating a healthier diet. Continue Reading
I learned how to be cheap at a young age. Well, maybe frugal. Whatever word you use for it, I learned from the best. My dad. He could do vacations cheap and tasty.
When we traveled, six of us crammed into a sedan pulling a tent-trailer that was full of everything we needed for two weeks, including food and block ice to keep it cold. Continue Reading
I just heard about a four-part series called Prescription: Nutrition on the powerful benefits of plant-based eating.
The first episode aired last week. It’s focused on nutrition and it is educational. Michael Greger, M.D., from NutritionFacts.org is a part of this series. The series explores the health benefits of a plant-based diet, and discusses the current cultural shift on how we approach our relationship with food. Continue Reading
It’s watermelon seed spitting week, at least in some parts of the world such as Luling, Texas. There, the last weekend of June is reserved for the annual Watermelon thump, which includes a “World Championship Seed Spitting Contest.”
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