Whether you’re trying to lose or gain weight, get more exercise, or improve some other aspect of your physical or emotional health, you probably are doing something nearly all of us tend to do. Cheat. Continue Reading
Whether you’re trying to lose or gain weight, get more exercise, or improve some other aspect of your physical or emotional health, you probably are doing something nearly all of us tend to do. Cheat. Continue Reading
If you wonder what amount of various nutrients you should include in your diet, or if you’re getting enough, check out this post for a link to a free nutrient calculator. Continue Reading
There is so much conflicting information pushed out about diet that I sometimes wonder if we’ve made the right choice to eat plant-based, even though I spent countless hours researching our choice. Check out my latest blog to learn what I determined. Continue Reading
Research has shown that most people follow a plant-based diet aren’t sick as often. And when they do get sick, their illness tends to pass more quickly. My husband and I are glad to be able to bear out the research. Continue Reading
This past Labor day I intended to work. I wanted to finish painting the front of our garage, a job I started some time in August (or was it July). Instead of finishing the job, I got a lesson I wasn’t sure I wanted. Continue Reading
Last year my bank sent a postcard announcing “Member Appreciation” day and invited me—and all of their customers—to a BBQ. I went, but was disappointed. There were no plant-based foods at the event. Not even fruit. Continue Reading
According to a recent United States Department of Agriculture report, “Americans are consuming more vegetables and fruit than in 1970, [yet] the average U.S. diet still falls short of the recommendations in the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines.” Continue Reading
I’ve been helping a friend switch his diet from one focused on fast food to one that includes more plant-based foods. As we work together, I see some of the challenges many people face as they try to “eat healthier.”
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I speak often of my bout with pre-diabetes. For me it was a warning and what led, in part, to my adoption of a whole-food, plant-based lifestyle. When I think about that time (now more than 5 years in the past) I can’t help feeling a little upset at the messages I heard. Continue Reading
I met someone recently who intrigued me. A man who claimed he didn’t like any vegetables. That claim always intrigues me because it’s hard to believe. Continue Reading