Whether you’re trying to lose or gain weight, get more exercise, or improve some other aspect of your physical or emotional health, you probably are doing something nearly all of us tend to do. Cheat. Continue Reading

Whether you’re trying to lose or gain weight, get more exercise, or improve some other aspect of your physical or emotional health, you probably are doing something nearly all of us tend to do. Cheat. Continue Reading
Forgiveness is not just some relic of religion, however. It turns out forgiveness is so important it can extend a person’s life. Continue Reading
On May 24 this year, many Americans will don a red nose for charity. While Red Nose Day is focused on raising “money and awareness for children who most need our help” around the world, the goal is to have fun in the process. Continue Reading
People often ask why I named my business WholeBlue. Having worked in marketing for many years, I understand their concern. A name should be quick to understand, not odd-seeming. But I stand by it and I’ll tell you why here. Continue Reading
I’m writing this in February, when so many are thinking of love that brings connection, or “ties” people together whether as good friends or lifetime lovers. Many refer to these as soul ties. Continue Reading
When we talk about strengthening our cores, we’re generally talking about our physical bodies. But our spiritual cores are perhaps more important. Continue Reading
I love moving. I love to thin out my belongings and arrange them in my new space. I love the adventure of discovering new geography, new stores and new people. I love feeling that my life has been renewed. Continue Reading
I recently read a story about a man whose lifelong dream was to live on a sailboat and sail if not around the whole world, at least the waters surrounding the boat’s moorings. Continue Reading