Author Archives: Ellen

How to be more social

How to be more social

It is really tough to socialize on a whole-food, plant-based diet, especially if you are new to the lifestyle. Everything feels like a list of don’ts. I was talking to a friend recently about how difficult he thinks it is. Before he tried a whole-food, plant-based diet, his food choices involved a lot of drive-throughs.… Continue Reading

Hyper drive

Hyper drive

Over the past few years I have attended far too many family funerals. The latest person in my family to pass on was my stepsister. She was in her late 50s. In my opinion, she was far too young to die. Continue Reading

Going green

Going green

I’m sure you’ve heard that vegetables, especially things like leafy greens, are good for you. But could you honestly eat 14 to 21 cups of greens in a week – and enjoy it?

I can now, but it wasn’t always that way. Continue Reading