Picture this: You finish eating a filling dinner and sit down for a little relaxation. Maybe you select a book, a television program or a movie. It doesn’t matter. As you sit, enjoying your entertainment, you suddenly feel the urge for a little “something.” You’re not really hungry, but you feel the need for more.
Or you reach for your phone to text someone or surf social media. Or you get an alcoholic drink or something darker or unholy.
Rob Reimer, founder of Renewal International and a Christian and Missionary Alliance pastor for nearly 30 years, describes this scenario in his teaching on Soul Care. He says what we’re really trying to fill is a spiritual need.
He goes on to talk about Moses, who was also looking for something more. Reimer says we all have an empty space inside of us that only God can fill. We all have a longing for God, and a desire for more of His presence.
When I was in my 20s, I wrote an article titled, “Is it love, or am I just hungry?” In it I talked about this concept from a different perspective. I mused that when I think I’m feeling like I’m “in love” that maybe what I’m feeling is just hunger.
We all know that fleeting “love” is not true love, so what’s going on? In the article I explored how we sometimes think we’re in love, but what we’re really feeling is the desire for something more satisfying.
As Rob pointed out, we don’t really want (or need) that extra food or social media barrage, or whatever else it is we seek. Our souls just know we need something to fill us.
What we really need is more of God.
So often we live on feelings like these, continuously grasping at what’s fleeting, instead of reaching for facts and holding on to what’s secure. I believe that’s why God so specifically gives us commands like, “fear not” and “love your enemies.” He knows that if we act on our emotions, not faith, we will never fully walk in the love and power he designed for us to experience.
If you’re struggling with emotional eating or reaching for any of these other things you will never truly be satisfied until you seek His face. The next time you feel an urge for more of anything (except God) try this. Go spend 10 or more minutes sitting quietly and focusing on God’s love, or worshiping by singing or meditating on the Scriptures (or whatever way most brings you into worship). This practice will fill you with more than you can ever imagine.
To hear Reimer’s full teaching on this subject, click this link here. If you’re ready to go even deeper, attend a Renewal Ministries soul care event. For a list of places where Reimer will be conducting these, click on his itinerary here.
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